Understanding Futr AI: Key Features and Benefits 

With a broad customer base in a wide variety of sectors, it should come as no surprise that there is a vast array of benefits that the Futr platform can deliver to an organisation.  From customer service to sales, marketing to IT.  There is value for all, due largely to the flexible nature of the platform and our continued development in partnership with our customers. 

Here are some of the most common benefits we see across our customers. 

Lowering the cost of customer service  #

Customer Service is one of the costliest business functions within an organisation.  It is typically a resource intensive service that often takes time to respond to enquiries and complaints.  The Futr platform can change all of this with a multitude of features designed to cut time and effort and ultimately cost.  They include: 

  • Rapid deployment – be up and running on your website in a matter of minutes with just 2 lines of code added to the footer of your website.  During the setup process we begin scraping your website for content that can train the bot and by the time you have setup it can already answer questions 

  • AI assistance – building out Q&A libraries can be tedious so we leverage the latest AI models to recommend content for your bot that is missing.  This is taken from information we gather from around the web and is specific to your sector. 

  • Re-use your own content – our bots are able to read information not only from your website but also from your documentation and live chat transcripts.  In fact, during a live chat ‘intelligent suggestions’ provides responses that save your live agents significant time when responding to queries by providing highly accurate responses at their fingertips.  This capability drives down the cost to serve customers and increases the number that you can service in a given period.   

  • So confident are we in our ability to generate significant savings that many of our comprehensive dashboards include metrics outlining the ROI we are providing on a day-by-day basis as well as providing valuable insight into further steps you may take to realise greater cost reductions. 

Personalised customer experience  #

ChatGPT has changed how people think of AI and of chatbots in general.  As long-time partners of OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, we have been at the forefront of leveraging this technology within our platform.  However, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the personalisation we can provide to a customer’s experience. 

  • Powerful translation – over 120 languages are covered by Futr and our translation services work on the entirety of the knowledgebase contained within your bot.  Furthermore, whilst in a live chat these translation features a live, giving you a multilingual customer services team overnight. 

  • Real conversations – ChatGPT and over generative AI allows us to understand much more complex questions than other bots in the marketplace.  Context and intent are taken into account and the ability to split multiple questions and provide responses for each raise the customers perception of the bot dramatically. 

  • Omnichannel access – don’t force your customers to communicate on your terms, let them use the channels they most value.  All features on the Futr platform can be utilised on any channel we cover, and the great news is you only need to design once as our channel adapters do the rest. 

True 24/7 customer support  #

Today, there is a widely accepted expectation that responses are instantaneous and that we can always access the information we need. This need to provide information on a 24/7 basis is arugably the most common need across our customer base and it is why we continue to build functionality that speaks to this customer desire. Some of the key features that deal directly with this challenge include:  

  • Live Chat during opening hours – Set your own opening hours to automatically enable and disable live chat in line with the resources you have available  

  • Cover with Auto Chat – When you are closed we will automatically turn on the Auto Chat features that allow clients to self-serve, vastly reducing the number of total inbound enquiries that don’t need a human to respond.  This can be as simple as answering questions or as complex as automating process via integrations into other business systems. 

  • Call back on any channel – Pushing clients to the social channels allows you to engage in two-way communication, it also allows the client to start a live chat that can be picked up when one of your agents is back at their desk. Your clients simply receive a notification as they would any other message in their chosen social channel, effectively you provide a system of call back that does not require the client to be stuck in front of a computer screen or watching their phone intently.  

No two customers we work with are the same and we enjoy finding the levers we can pull to maximise the experience for the users of the bot.  Our customer success team are well positioned to share best practice and, in many cases, provide direct advice and support on how you might utilise our technology in the best possible way for your business. 

Hopefully you can see some of the benefits you could realise in your own organisation and we would love to be a part of making that happen.

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