
Futr has an exciting series of webinars, vodcasts and videos discussing the technology, design and integration of chatbots and live chat for customer support.

To be announced

Watch out for the next Futr webinar and vodcast!

Our webinars feature selected guest speakers who lend their insights into the different applications of chatbot technology and how they drive digital transformation.

Our latest webinar!

How charities are using intelligent chatbots: Real use cases

In this webinar, Alex Turnbull, Account Executive and Charity Lead at Futr, and Alice Edwards, Director of Customer Success, talk through real-world use cases of chatbots in charities and non-profit organisations. 

Futr webinars and vodcasts
Watch our previous webinars & vodcasts

Futr speaks at Housing Digital Social to discuss digital transformation in social housing

Our UK Housing expert, Kitty Hadaway, spoke at a recent Housing Digital Social, reflecting on how the pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of social landlords. 

Kitty explains how housing groups are using tech to engage residents and capitalise on opportunities to meet the targets set out in the Social Housing White Paper. 

The session was punctuated by an interactive demonstration of Futr’s technology deployed in WhatsApp.

Check out our blog post on the event to read the highlights.

Futr UK housing vodcast: Fostering innovation in housing

Paul Taylor, Innovation Coach at Bromford Lab, spoke with Futr’s UK Housing lead Kitty Hadaway about how social landlords can drive digital transformation in their organisation. 

Paul shares how Bromford’s innovation arm fosters digital innovation in the social housing sector and solves the right problems at the right time.

Watch the full vodcast.


Futures Housing: A customer-centric digital strategy

Futr’s UK Housing lead, Kitty Hadaway, is back with another vodcast. This time we’re sitting down with Dean Anderson, Director of Customer Service at Futures Housing, to understand their customer-centric digital approach. 

For Futures, their digital strategy is at the core of their overall Corporate Plan, which seeks to help residents engage their landlords through digital channels and in ways that are easy and convenient for them.

MHS Homes: An award-winning digital transformation with automation and self-serve

As residents become more digital in their habits due to the pandemic, the need for social landlords to be available in digital channels has never been more important. 

Forward-thinking housing organisations like MHS Homes, which has embraced digital technologies in light of changing circumstances, are positioning themselves to excel in the future. 

We had the pleasure of having Ashley Hook, CEO of MHS Homes, as a guest on our first vodcast. We talked to Ashley about how MHS has already reaped the benefits of digitally transforming their organisation.

Read the full story.