6 Reasons to Implement Advanced Chat Solutions for Critical Care Charities

Critical care charities require exceptional support services and user care to meet the needs of the vulnerable individuals they support, in addition to donors, and volunteers. Customer support can range from an urgent escalation of a critical case to community engagement with charity stakeholders. Implementing a customer chat service solution can assist in delivering excellent customer care and reducing wait times for those in need of assistance. 

This article will explore how implementing an AI-powered customer service chat solution can improve your customer service and meet the needs of your diverse stakeholders.  

1. Provide 24/7 Support for Vulnerable Individuals

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), a UK charity that offers a free and confidential helpline and web chat service for anyone struggling or in crisis, partnered with Futr AI as part of a digital transformation initiative. Futr’s solution uses AI-driven technology to better serve individuals and offer round-the-clock support to individuals who are experiencing mental health crises.  

Futr AI created a range of bespoke care paths that allowed vulnerable individuals to self-serve with the information they needed, whether out-of-hours or during busy queue times. This AI-powered support was a significant driver in preventing drop-offs when at-risk individuals were in the queue. It also meant that if a user self-served and found the information they needed, they were able to drop out of the queue for a human agent, resulting in CALM’s average queue time reducing by over 70%.

2. Create a Seamless Handover from AI Support Chat to Live Agent Support

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) support team is renowned for its compassionate user care and confidential service. The leading reproductive healthcare charity’s customer support team integrated Futr AI’s chat solutions to create seamless interactions and handover for users on their website. 

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbots and live chat functionality enabled users to find the resources they needed, while ensuring the live service team retained the bandwidth to provide critical care when needed.

3. Facilitate Multilingual Chat Support

Futr AI partnered with Bipolar UK, a charity that supports and empowers people affected by bipolar, to provide support across their diverse communities and marketing platforms. The critical care charity currently responds via phone and email to thousands of vulnerable individuals and their loved ones across the UK.   

Balancing the needs of their customers, staff, and employees required a centralised approach. Futr’s bespoke chat solutions enabled users to self-serve across multiple channels, ensuring that individuals with bipolar and their families access vital information in over 120+ languages on their preferred channels. To date Bipolar UK’s users have benefitted from accessing 55 languages, when interacting with their chatbot.

4. Ensure Chat Solutions Meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Poor website accessibility can increase digital exclusion for many vulnerable individuals needing support. Investing in customer care chats that meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 can help you cater to all your customers’ needs. The best chatbot and live chat solutions have accessible navigation menus, screen readers, status messages, and expandable pop-ups to ensure everyone can access your services.

5. Integrate with Internal Analytics to Measure ROI

Futr AI seamlessly integrates with analytics tools, including Power BI and Google Analytics, allowing charities to measure the success of their chat solutions and categorise user interactions to help direct future campaigns. Futr’s solution comes with built-in rich data analytics and reporting for real-time tracking of the questions that matter to your customers.  

6. Seamless Omnichannel Integrations for Unified Engagement  

Futr’s cutting-edge technology seamlessly integrates with platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and WhatsApp. These integrations enable users to easily engage with essential information and services on their preferred platforms. With real-time access to customer interactions and engagement across 120+ languages, our omnichannel solutions empower service teams to connect with customers effortlessly and provide unified support. 

Improve Customer Service With Futr AI 

Futr AI has extensive experience supporting charities looking to improve customer service and undergo digital transformation. An AI-led chat service can ensure that customer service teams are equipped to deliver rapid and round-the-clock responses to vulnerable individuals and their loved ones. 

Contact us today to learn how Futr AI can help you implement customer service chat solutions for your critical care charity. 

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