Suffolk Constabulary: Live chat for domestic abuse victim support

Assistant Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary, Rob Jones, worked with Futr to roll out a Domestic Abuse support for victims through Futr’s live chat solution.

Rob previously worked at the Met Police where he played an active role in supporting domestic abuse victims. Suffolk had a successful live chat
trial which then evolved into using live chat to support victims for more serious crimes.

This case study explores:

  • The challenges that Suffolk Constabulary faced
  • How it achieved its goal of offering better support for victims of domestic abuse
  • The impact live chat had on its service
  • How live chat was used to prioritise and triage
  • How Futr worked with Suffolk to build out custom features to protect privacy and safety

“What was great was Futr’s readiness to develop new features really quickly, and quite a lot of those were done in the weeks as we were doing the project so we could test them. 

Rob Jones
Assistant Chief Constable, Suffolk Constabulary

Since launching the live chat service, Suffolk Constabulary has:

  • Opened up new channels for support through live chat for domestic abuse victims
  • Improved access to its services
  • Captured more data and richer detail
  • Offered ongoing support after interaction

From the get-go, Futr’s rich analytics and insights gave Rob and his team tangible insights allowing them to measure in real-time the success of their project. 

Read the full story to discover why ACC Rob Jones at Suffolk Constabulary implemented Futr’s solution and what impact it’s had on victims and staff.

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