eBook: The ultimate guide to chatbots in the retail industry

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The retail sector has seen massive disruption in the last decade. The emergence of eCommerce combined with evolving consumer demands has seen some of the biggest names in retail collapse. The impact of a global pandemic on retail firms only highlighted the need for agile approaches to retail management. With the growing importance of delivering engaging, unique and positive customer experiences, retailers worldwide have been racing to find the best ways to improve consumer engagement and satisfaction.

Enter the multilingual and omnichannel chatbot. 

We’re more connected with each other than at any time in human history. Retail brands are no longer limited by geography and can reach customers in any country across multiple communication channels. But they need to be on those channels 24/7, and they must understand what customers need. Creating the perfect agile channel strategy is more important than ever.

With chatbots, retail firms are where they need to be when they need to be.

Find out everything you need to know about chatbots in the retail sector by downloading “The ultimate guide to chatbots in the retail industry”. 

In this eBook, you will learn:

  • How retailers are benefitting from chatbot deployment
  • Why consumers are learning to love chatbots
  • How retailers and consumers use chatbots
  • The future of chatbots in retail
  • And much more.


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